Friday, May 20, 2011

It's been a long time, but I am back !

It's been awhile since I've been here. So long, in fact, that we have added TWO bundles of joy to our family. Three, if you count the rescue puppy we are fostering for Big Fluffy Dog Rescues! In addition to Nathan the wonder dog, we have added a son (Wyatt born 12-05-10), and a grandson (Aiden born 12-22-10). Yeap, that's right- 17 days apart. I am thinking Nathan is going to get his own page on the blog, in order to have a record for our family of our fostering experience - as well as to promote fostering, and keep BFDR up todate on their pup until he is adopted.
Anyhoo - what has prompted me to begin blogging here again, is the fact that my fabulous friend Michelle and I, along with Andy, Michelle's brother - have decided to start a blogging group
on Facebook.
 If you have a FB, or would be willing to sign up for one in order to join our group, please feel free! The more the merrier! A topic will be posted once a week and you will have a week to write and link an appropriate blog posting to the page. Anything posted ON the group page needs to be suitable for public viewing and respectful to all participants. Your individual posting is pretty much a free for all, as long as the respectful nature and attitude is in place. Your content is your decision as long as nobody is getting "hurt".
In the meantime, please feel free to check out my links section - and get familiar with the people and organizations I know and support.
I'll be back soon enough to address Michelle's first blog group topic, "Time's a wastin". 

Nathan, the foster dog and Phoenix , aka "Weenie", our pit mix rescue from North Carolina!

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